Sunday, July 10, 2011


The combing process is carried out in order to improve the quality of the sliver coming out of the card. The process eliminates short fibres, it achieves better parallelisation of fibres, it straightens curls, and it removes neps and residue impurities. It is clear from these functions that the combing process is essentially aimed at obtaining excellent quality yarns and to fulfil this objective raw materials with above average physical and mechanical features must be used from the very beginning of the spinning process.
Depending on what is being produced, waste from combing varies from 12% to 25%, and this can be employed to obtain yarns with a mediumcoarse count using the open-end process.

As far as parallelisation of curls is concerned, when curls are combed they tend to behave in a very similar way to short fibres and therefore if they do not straighten they are removed, and this produces a notable amount of waste fibres; it is therefore necessary to reduce the curls before the combing stage. Some of the .curls. straighten when drawn in the combing preparation stage. Furthermore, it is a good idea for the curls to be presented head first to the combing machine, as the latter are to a large extent straightened by devices on the combing machine. The direction of the curls depends on the number of passages the material is subject to following carding, as between one passage and another the direction of the material is inverted and consequentially the curls are too. Therefore, considering that mainly tail curls come out of the card, in order for them to arrive at the combing machine as head curls, it is fundamental to carry out an even number of preparation passages, usually two, one to the drawframe and one to the lap drawing frame.

The lap drawing frame has, furthermore, the task of forming the interfacing, which is employed to feed the combing machine. The interfacing is obtained by doubling a certain number of slivers (from 16 to 32) previously subject to a drawing passage. In the lap drawing frame, the material undergoes a light draft of around 1.5 to 2 times one a drawing aggregate of the type 2 on top of 3 cylinders.

Thursday, July 7, 2011



What is Carding?

Carding plays a crucial role in all spinning cycles, and its role is never more central than in the woolen spinning cycle, in which it incorporates different functions, all essential in order to obtain the level of quality required of the product.

Function Of Carding

The card used in woolen spinning is traditionally the sort with cylinders (covered with clothing that are angled to varying degrees), which rotate at different speeds, effecting the three cardinal actions: carding, stripping and raising. Appropriately combined, these three actions allow opening of the tufts, continuous detachment of the fibres from the card clothing, which would otherwise soon become clogged up, and delivery of the material from the machine at the end of a processing cycle.

Carding fulfils a series of precise objectives, serving:

  • to open the blend fibres fully and definitively
  • to arrange (as far as their length allows) the fibres parallel with one another
  • to remove impurities
  • to blend the raw material further
  • to reduce the blend to a web of fibres and to divide it up into rovings of the required count, suitable for feeding to the spinning machines.
Carding plays a crucial role in all spinning cycles, and its role is never more central than in the woollen spinning cycle, in which it incorporates different functions, all essential in order to obtain the level of quality required of the product.

Basically, passing the material over the card undoes tangles of fibres and therefore makes it possible to remove all kinds of impurity. This is achieved thanks to the action of the spikes covering the surfaces of cylinders that rotate around parallel axes.

The equipment also fulfils another function, which is both delicate and fundamental: it has to guarantee the accuracy and evenness of the web count and subsequently of the roving count. Indeed, the definitive spinning machines that operate within the woollen spinning cycle can impart only a very low draft, which means that there is practically no possibility, at this stage, of intervening to correct the yarn count.

The carding room equipment thus performs the same operations already carried out in the preparation stage, this time more thoroughly, supplying the divider with rovings of the right count.



What is Spinning?

The term spinning can refer to the whole activity or just to the final process of making the yarn right from fiber to yarn process.This involves attenuating (stretching) the yarn to the required tex. giving the thread strength by adding twist. and winding it on to a bobbin.

Spinning Process

Bale Management

Because Lucky provides a variety of blended yarns, it is important to have an effective bale management system to ensure correct fiber combinations.

In cotton lines we employ automatic bale management systems to certify correct mixing percentages for consistent fibre properties to avoid shade variation during fabric dyeing. Cotton bales are stocked up to 6 months in order to provide our repeat customers with consistent quality from the same batch of fibers.

In synthetic lines, automatic weighing blenders are used to measure exact blending percentages. Blended fibers are maintained up to 20 days to ensure that every customer receives a homogenous blend of yarns with low barrenness.

Blow Room

Blow room is the starting of the spinning operation where the fiber is opened, cleaned, mixed and evened.

The whole machine is subject to suction and the dust is collected in special filters; the material, on the other hand, undergoing contemporaneously, the rotary action of the cylinder and suction along the operating width, effects a helical movement around the drum and exits from the side opposite to that on which it entered. It is then transferred by the delivery hopper into the transportation conduit.

  1. Opening
    • Opening is the first operation within the blow room in which the goal is always a high degree of openness of material with gentle treatment and a fiber loss as less as possible.
    • Opening is the first operation it means, tearing apart the compressed and matted cotton until it is very much loosened and separated into small tufts with a gentle treatment, and a fiber loss as small as possible.
    • Opening is also related to cleaning as where is opening there is alsocleaning.
  2. Cleaning
    • Cotton contains up to 18% trash in most cases. To clean the material it is unavoidable to remove as much fiber as much waste.
    • Therefore it is necessary to measure the amount of the waste removed and its composition. As it is of high importance also called cleaning efficiency.
    • The cleaning efficiency always has to be optimized and not maximized, since the fiber quality (short fibers, neps) as well as fiber loss is always negatively affected by maximum trash removal.
  3. Dust removal
    • An often underestimated task of the blow room line is the removal of dust. However, it is as important as the removal of impurities.
    • Dedusting in the blow room happens by air suctioning only, either between the machines, e.g. by dust cages, dust extractors, etc., or within the machine by normal air separation.
    • Every blow room machine must be capable of extracting dust, so that special dedusting machines should be needed.
    • The efficiency depends not only on the devices but also on the size of the flocks. The smaller the flocks, the higher is the efficiency.
  4. Blending\Mixing
  5. Mixing: It is generally meant as the intermingling of different classes of fibers of the same grade e.g. USA Pima grade2, CIS Blending: IT is meant as the intermingling of different kinds of fibers or different grade of same fibers e.g. polyester & cotton, Viscose & cotton.
    • Blending of fiber material is an essential preliminary in the production of a yarn.
    • Fibers can be blended at various stages of the process. These possibilities should always be fully exploited, for example, by transverse doubling.
    • However, the starting process is one of the most important stages for blending, since the components are still separate and therefore can be metered exactly and without dependence upon random effects.
    • A well-assembled bale layout and even (and as far as possible, simultaneous) extraction of fibers from all bales is therefore of paramount importance.
    Objectives of mixing or blending
    • Economy
    • Processing performance
    • Functional properties
  6. Even feed of material to card